Before You Follow Admin is Of age. Strictly in character! Rarely uses tone indicators. Slow and selective follow backs. Soft blocks and mutes when I find you messy, no hard feelings. Apolitic; has no interest towards politics. Do not get in my face and force me your own opinion. Inactive most of the time, soft block to break the mutual. NSFW; profanities. Busy, sporadic to no DMs. Platonically flirts. Tries to be interactive, will be under your replies as a way of forming a friendship. Jokes a lot—if I go overboard, kindly DM me.

Do Not Interact Fits basic DNI criteria. Non-black that uses AAVE. educate yourself. Sexist. Uses slurs. Cisrespects pronouns. Tweets disturbing, lewd contents, or too much OOC contents. Interacts with minors sexually. -15 and 22+ admins, unless I followed you first. not a krp account. Enabler. Will not interact with user.

Mundane Of age, 18-20. Out of character conversations will not be entertained unless it is to discuss both of our characters.

Basic Information

Birth Name Geovanni Echo Lirvine
Korean Name 유지킨 ( Yoo Ji Kin )
Filipino Name Chaves Amir Faustino
Ethnicity Australian-Korean
Birthdate Year 2004
Residency Torre de Manila
Civil Status Single, Polyamorous
Sexual Orientation Bisexual, Male lean
Romantic Attraction Demiromantic


Student Athlete, Café owner, Streamer Occupation
Tres Uno or Triple Uno, Echo or Iyor ( Athlete ),
ZiXIN or iKO ( Streamer ) Aliases
Chaotic Neutral Moral Alignment
Humanities 2nd Year Education
He, Him, Any Pronouns
EN 제이크 Potrayal
EN 선원 Flexi Side


Socials ! Main, robloex. Priv, crueiity. Discord Server Chatbox


Chaves stands at 5'10". He has a light complexion, a slender physique, dark brown eyes, and plump lips. Many fall for his doll-like face, gaining the nickname "Dolly”. His wardrobe consists of mainly neutral colors. Usually seen in cardigans, sweaters, or his training clothes.


Contrary to popular belief, Chaves is not a social butterfly, rather he’s an awkward and reserved lad. Though the lad was popular around his neighbourhood back when he still lived in Brisbane—due his visuals and him being an athlete—he never had the chance to interact with other people due to his shyness and, well, strict mother. But Chaves' shyness disappears when he meets a good-looking fella. He can say the smoothest pickup line without feeling awkward and having the urge to run away.

Kin List

Kin list is under construction.


Geovanni Echo Lirvine, also known by his athlete name Echo ( Iyor as Sunoo ), was born in Brisbane, Australia. He's half Australian and half Korean, but he's also Half Filipino, which he doesn't usually tell other people. Due to some unknown reason, Echo was told that he's going to fly alone to his relatives in Jeonju, South Korea when he was just 7 years old. He was raised in the country side of Korea, away from the loud noises the city could offer. He thought he had every thing—well, except for a present parents— he thought, he's happy with his life. He was an athlete, he didn't have many friends but still had people he can rely on, he had this popularity he got for being handsome and an athlete at the same time, but despite having all of that, he still felt empty inside.During his middle school years, he applied for the exchange student program his school had and went schooling in the Philippines where he met his first best friend, Folsom. The older showed a different lifestyle to the younger, and, surprisingly, Echo enjoyed it. When he got back to his country, he started going to the capital of South Korea every weekends and enjoyed the city life to the point where he got bored inside his quiet house and would always look forward for weekends to come. Echo felt like, he was being held back from his past and it's time to move forward, that's why he asked his guardians if he could finally move to his family's house in the Philippines, it took a lot of persuading but eventually they agreed and he moved to the Philippines, alone, where he did and experienced most of his first, specially his first heartbreak.Today, Echo goes by his Filipino name, Chaves Faustino. He used to live at his family house at Forbes Park, Makati, but recently moved to his condo unit at Torre De Manila with his new roommate. Chaves owns and manage his own café along with his best friend, Folsom. He's now in his last year of High School and still does Futsal and Athletics and represents his school at competitions.


Ties and Pre-established Relations are under construction. Pre-established relationships are open. Note that Chaves is not looking for any connections with romantic undertones (ex, crush, etc.) mainly, friendship, co-worker, teammates, roommate connections are needed.


Feel free to chat here, but any malicious comments about me or my friends will automatically be deleted.